What you will read is not you will read.Maybe this path of masterpiece is not lies on your expectancy despite I try my best.My life is just a man which take his breath under a tree.life is simple but complicated to clarify the meaning of life itself.My name is Mohamad Asyraf Bin Saharudin.I am muslim and I bear witness there is no God besides ALLAH and Muhammad is The Apostle of Allah.I am Malaysian and of course I’m from a race stated Malay.Malay is synonimly with Muslim.The majority of Malay is Muslim.But,their status of be a muslim is not more than a holy label.
That is some of my point,maybe it is a paradox statement but the paradox is always opposite to present age.Well, I just got my life when I got my first petty pace to a well atmosphere stated Islamically lifestyle.Simplly the condition is better for those who want to pimp up themselves.
Sekolah Menengah Agama al-Khairiah.My school,.where is the knowledge is apllied.This school builds a great embankment in myself.What you get and what is good for you is not what you wish.But Albert Eistien stated “smooth with others but rough with yourself.”
Life in al-Khairiah is not as easy as world predicted.the journey is totally decorated with a plenty of obstacles.Never mind…this is world.As muslim,I had a quiet conflict moment.Nowdays,life as pious muslim is very much open to trial.At present,Islam and public majoritally against each others.

The Allah’s Apostle had said that the muslim is extra-ordinary.They thank when rewarded and patient when being tested.I eager to be the awesome character. But,the public always move reversly propotional to my route.Hard,but,the fact is nothing is too easy.I inhaled in a sucularisme atmosphere.Islam and live is not in common vessel anymore.Why?
Human not realize that the life itself is the sign of The Almighty Allah. They snob due to their well-mind,but the well mind is from Allah.Human nowdays,admit that Allah is their God but Allah is just for prime religious activity,while the general lifestyle of Islam is left behind thieir soul.
Bring back Islam.The Prime Minister Of British stated when entering the Jerussalem:The crusade war as ended.In Same Year…the General of France went to the grave of Salahuddin al-Ayubi in Damascus and said:Wake up o Salahuddin !!! We are here.Now,why did they do this to us?Why?Why?We should realize that Islam had conquer 2/3 of the world.We not learn history…but we must stand the history as there is no others which can be rely on.Stand on your feet my brothers.Stand for Allah!!! Stand for your faith!!!Wake up for this ummah.The best ummah ever is the ummah of Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him.We just figh for a couple of year…Yes my brothers,it is hard to clarify,but,lets look at Prophet Nuh.He was struggle to spread Islam for 90 decade.So,what do you thik.If you think you are totally kind,then,a thousand of mistaking buried in your soul.why???Because there is many others which is better and better than us.So,run to be the best is the best route.

Human is completely crazy,they are closer to moron than a trusted thinking-way.They try to run from what they really know.shame on them !!! Allah knews what the best for human being as He was created us since the age of Adam,for example,they(kuffar)explicitly stand against The Law Of Allah such as,they lead a capitalism economy which is corrupted by a plenty of cruel and injustice.

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