
Day by day..

Examining myself..sorry of not writting my entry in our beloved lingua franca of Malacca strait.

Whatever it is..I am still proud of being Malaysian.

Day by day..I just viewed my blog..dont have any intention to update the appearance.Bored and disgusted with recent event nowadays.

Visiting the others...

“Home alone”..that is me.Sleeping..and reading as minor activity (dont do this at home).sometimes I decided to have a tour on my comrades’ blogs.

Kembara Duniaku

The latest entry is about his mom.Well...such a good and excellent style and technique in revealing his feeling...with an unpredictable dimension.I always attracted to his linguistic and the literature value in his entries.Most of them are original and fresh.Totally came from his own brilliant cognitive.Hence..all cheers to him...

Pemburu Cinta dan Cita2

Hmm..the blogger should be represented by “she”.One of my mentors..she has a great way of thinking.No idea about her entry..either directly her own effort or just got it from the others.Somehow,she has presented an ace entry..such a significant opinion.Though..she has discovered the most popular syndrome infected by most of my buddies.Encouraging myself to “discover my own ignorance”*....syukran !!!

STPM will be on this Thus

What a shocked !!! then..SPM will be on its way...striking most of candidates..

Ya Allah..semoga KAMI mendapat apa yang terbaik untuk ISLAM !!!

Shift Your Paradigm !!!

*idiomatic expression:study

good for essay...hehehe

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