
Anyone of you ever heard this word? Simply saying, this is the process or practice that allows a woman to donate her womb (uterus) for the benefit of other party. Shockingly, such this practice is out of law and yet, running by well-educated medical doctor. In brief, a man will donate his sperm and the doctor will look for a suitable ovum (donated). Then, both sperm and ovum will go through the In-vitro Fertilisation (IVF). If the fertilisation makes progress, the embryo will be implanted into the uterus of a selected woman and the period of pregnancy begins. Approximately 9 months later, a cute baby will be born. Surrogate mother will turn to her normal life and the client who is the sperm donor will eventually get his baby.

Surrogacy does happen in many famine countries such as India where the technology and the poverty coexisted. By some aspects, this practice seems good, but to say it is right, this writer urges it is implausible. 

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