
Peace be upon The Prophet Muhammad.

I had a very precious moment Saturday. Spending my time with a doctor who dedicates his soul and energy for the sake of others, deeply in my philosophical heart, he is one of the best mu'min I ever met.

Do we really submit?

That's the question, which was coming with simple sound but complex answer.

Exam is around the corner, still you have time in hand to study, the first thing comes to our mind is "I have plenty of time, and surely enough for me to digest all these academical stuffs..."

Can you see such that convincing remark quoted by most of us when we felt that we have time to study?

and when we have all those great and fast access technology and all the well provisions that exist around us, we tend to think that  all these things by themselves are beneficial to us, denying your real insight that all things came from Allah and shall return to Him.

dear brothers and sisters,

When we start to think that time will help us, our book will help us, our lec notes will help us to gain knowledge, we must restart to believe that all these things came from Allah and to Him we submit our effort and hope, for Him, He knows what best for His servants.

Do we really submit?

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